Ramadan the Blessed Month
Fasting is one of the five pillars of the faith. Fasting is an exercise that enables Muslim to realize the value of hunger and thirst of deprivation and poverty.
Fasting is one of the five pillars of the faith. Fasting is an exercise that enables Muslim to realize the value of hunger and thirst of deprivation and poverty.
We as kids were told to ask Allah SubhanWataa’lla for anything we want. I remember my mother telling me, “You want this thing, then ask Allah Almighty to give you”.
Allah commands us to respect and love our parents by respecting them, honoring their opinions, and dealing them with love and gentleness.
It is centered on the beliefs of Islam's sacred scriptures, primarily the Quran and Hadith, and therefore is developed from Islamic religious principles.
Halloween began as the Eve of Samhain, a paganic holiday celebrating the start of winter and the first day of the New Year among the British Isles' ancient pagans.
Battle of Badrr was fought on 17 Ramadan 2 AH, 624 AD. The immediate reason was the trade caravan of Abu Sufyan. He feared an attack by Muslims while returning from Syria because there had been skirmishes and raids started by the Makkans
The word Jihad is derived from the root word “Jahadah” which means “to struggle”. In Islamic Sharia’h it means to struggle in the way of God. Therefore, any struggle for a noble cause is considered as jihad.
Islam has put a great emphasis over healthy life because Islam believes that a person should be fit in terms of health in order to be at peace.
Hazrat Abu-Bakr (R.A) took the office of caliphate at the most crucial and critical moment in Islamic history. He gave Islam a new life after the death of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).
Islam orders him not to cheat or betray other people. A Muslim is ordered by Allah to be truthful in his words and deeds, privately and publicly alike. Honesty in words implies telling the truth in all situations and under all circumstances.